Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can enter as an Individual or as a team of no more than four.
  • You must be a citizen of an ECOWAS country.
  • You must be between the ages of 14-35 at the point of submission.

The most effective way to submit your idea for consideration by INHAF Innovation team is to use the Submit your idea form.

Yes, you can enter more than one category.

*You must assign different team lead for each category entered.

If your entry is shortlisted, basic detail and team profile will be featured on our website, social media profiles, used within publicity materials and showcased at the final round.

  • Technology – Is your idea one that could implement technology in recycling?
  • Creativity – Does your idea display originality of thought?
  • Feasibility – How feasible is the idea with current technology and resources?
  • Recycling stage impact – What stage of recycling are you addressing? How have you considered the needs of your intended target audience, and the potential of your idea to solve waste recycling problem?

No. You shall maintain all intellectual property rights associated with your concept. Our responsibility will be to assist you in refining your concept and pushing forward your solution. All submissions are stored securely at INHAF we use ISO 27001 protocols as well as other security measures and operate a consistent and robust privacy policy. Access to your idea will be restricted to certain reviewer individuals within the business who have permission.

This will be communicated to all participants after the second stage of the competition.

If your question has not been answered send an email [email protected]